
We offer several AI applications for downstream activities in the oil & gas industry.

Downstream Tactics

Integrating plant real-time data systems with trading, marketing, and distribution systems provides a basis for AI predictive tools to inform and impact operations in time to meet evolving market needs. We can visit you to discuss the entire supply and logistics chain to discover how AI can improve performance.

Cost Tracking and Forecasting

Operators face increasing pressure to maintain capital spend within guidance. Machine learning systems can interrogate historic spend, scheduling and operations data to forecast expected expenditures. By providing accurate visualizations of expected and actual costs, planning teams have the flexibility to scale operations up or down in response to available capital, thereby avoiding shutting down operations too soon or not investing all available capital.

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Monitoring for Anomaly detection

Our engineers perform anomaly detection using in-house trained predictive models to provide early warning alerts and diagnostic guidance to our customers. In a complex industry setting such as power plants, aviation etc., anomaly detection is critical to raise alarms beforehand to prevent significant damages and mishaps. Here, we propose a novel approach of using a multimodal neural network-based autoencoder. These detected anomalies generally tend to be more accurate and robust than anomalies detected by a single data source as latent representations capture inter-dependencies between different parts of the system through those multiple data sources.

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Data & Compute

BKO defines and designs enterprise cloud based solutions for advanced analytics applications. Real-time and financial data stored in your database can support operational and investment decision making at all levels.

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