Profit from Prediction
BKO can select the right Al technology for your business.
BKO can build the Machine Learning models to optimize your business,
BKO can build the Enterprise data model to make them work.
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🚀 Exciting News from BKO AI ™️ !:BKO AI ™️ and Texas A&M University Collaborate on Predicting Turbine Power Availability with Bayesian Hierarchical Models Capstone Project.
đź’ˇ If you would like to harness the power of Texas A&M University's analytics, please contact us to discuss pro bono opportunities for Collaboration.
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What we do

Your team needs the fastest, most powerful tools to stay competitive. We design and engineer those tools - unique to your data, your business.

Data Engineering

We design and implement data architectures, specifying servers, installing software, setting up connectivity, and configuring data points (tags). Our expertise includes AVEVA OSISoft PI.

On-demand Predictions

We develop predictive models for baseline performance KPIs and real-time data comparison, and forecasting models for market demand planning to maximize profitability.

Monitoring and Analysis

We offer equipment health monitoring with custom dashboards and software, ensuring efficient maintenance and anomaly detection. We utilize partner applications like SeeQ, AVEVA, IOTA, and Databricks.

AI and Systems Integrations

We create applications that integrate with clients' systems, enhancing functionality and scalability. This includes contextualization and scalable foundational analytics for various assets or equipment.

Data Migration

We migrate data across products/systems, recreate equivalent tags, and backfill historical data quickly. BKO also migrates displays and dashboards to newer software, ensuring data availability when product lines are discontinued.

Performance Optimization

We optimize operations of plants, refineries, and production lines to ensure maximum output. Our procedures leverage data expertise and domain knowledge in refining, power plants, and manufacturing.

What makes BKO AI unique?

Industry Expertise

We excel in Oil & Gas, power generation, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Data & AI

We excel in Oil & Gas, power generation, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and more.


Our data backfilling methods reduce the process from weeks to hours.

Our Partners

We work with experts in the industry to provide you with better service.